
Never start a relation by telling truth, bcz there is no value of that,
Because its really hard for a boy to accept your past specially if you were intimated in past...
If you think by telling the truth Someone accepts u,
No my dear, u will never be accepted by anyone ever...
No matter how good you are......
No one can see your good heart....

Because things are always hitting up in their minds and then they first slowly start making distance from u,
The more they ignore you, the more u try to go closer to them... And that closeness become irritation/frustation for them...
After this, they just left you alone because you already gave them reasons.....

A girl is so strong that sh can still accept her partner's past, whatever the past was.... Because she always prioritize her partner than anything else... Even in present if boy will ever do something wrong, still she will accept... Because she never wants to loose the person to whom she loves the most..

Your LOYALTY will become your biggest enemy......

If you dont have guts to accepts someones past, then please never ask...
Because everyone had past experiences..
There is no one who never did any mistake....
Some mistakes we can forget, but some are not...

But mistakes are just mistakes na...
There is no big n small...
Its just depends on you how to take the things....

I never give impotance to anyone's past, or i never ask to anyone about their past...
Its not like that i have done mistakes, thats why i dont ask about past, Its just past is something that was gone, you did alot of mistakes... 
It is competely OK.. because you can't change your past.
But just because of past, don't spoil your present... 
If you ever spoil your PRESENT just because of your PAST, then it will always hurts you in your FUTURE ....


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